Books to E-books: The Steps of Conversion

Converting physical books to eBooks involves a process of digitizing the content and formatting it for electronic reading devices. Here are the steps to convert a physical book into an eBook:

  1. Digitization:
    • Scanning: Use a high-quality scanner to create digital copies of each page of the book. Scanners with optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities are particularly useful, as they can convert scanned text into editable text.
  2. File Format:
    • Choose an eBook file format for your digital book. The most common formats are ePub and Kindle’s MOBI format. You may need to convert the scanned content into these formats using appropriate software or online tools.
  3. OCR and Text Recognition:
    • If your scanner doesn’t have OCR capabilities, you’ll need to use OCR software to recognize and convert the scanned text into machine-readable text. This is crucial for eBook functionality, as it allows for text searching and reflowable text on various screen sizes.
  4. Formatting:
    • Format the eBook to make it readable on various eBook readers. This involves adjusting font sizes, styles, and spacing to ensure a good reading experience.
  5. Images and Graphics:
    • If your physical book contains images or graphics, ensure they are correctly inserted into the eBook and that they display well on eReaders.
  6. Table of Contents:
    • Create or update the table of contents to allow easy navigation within the eBook.
  7. Metadata:
    • Add metadata to the eBook file, including title, author, publisher, ISBN (if applicable), and a book description.
  8. Cover Image:
    • Design and include a cover image for the eBook. This image should meet the specifications of the eBook platform you plan to publish on (e.g., Amazon Kindle, Apple Books).
  9. Testing:
    • Test the eBook on various eBook reading devices and applications to ensure it looks and functions as expected. Fix any formatting or display issues that may arise.
  10. Conversion Software and Services:
    • Consider using eBook conversion software or online services that can automate some of these processes. Popular eBook conversion tools include Calibre, Adobe InDesign, and various online converters.
  11. Publishing:
    • Once the eBook is ready, you can publish it on eBook platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and others. Each platform may have specific requirements for file formats and metadata.
  12. Distribution:
    • Make decisions about eBook distribution. You can choose to distribute your eBook exclusively on one platform or use multiple platforms to reach a broader audience.
  13. Pricing and Marketing:
    • Set a price for your eBook, if applicable. Develop a marketing plan to promote your eBook, which may include creating an author website, using social media, and advertising.
  14. Monitor Sales and Reviews:
    • Keep track of your eBook’s sales and gather reader reviews and feedback to improve your future eBook publishing efforts.


Remember that converting a physical book to an eBook may involve some technical skills and software knowledge. If you’re not confident in doing this yourself, you can hire professionals or eBook conversion services to assist with the process. Additionally, consider legal aspects, such as copyright and licensing agreements, before converting and distributing your eBook.